Zapier + Invelo Integration Is Now Live
Invelo’s long-awaited integration with Zapier is now live for paid users! This integration is a game changer for busy investors who use multiple apps, platforms, and documents to gather prospects.
Invelo’s long-awaited integration with Zapier is now live for paid users! This integration is a game changer for busy investors who use multiple apps, platforms, and documents to gather prospects.
If you are a real estate investor looking for help managing and growing your business, you aren’t short on options. In a sea of software which one will actually solve all of your problems without creating new ones? Meet Invelo.
If you spend money on a multi-touch marketing campaign, you want to ensure you are reaching the right people. With Invelo’s new ‘And/Or’ feature, investors can create highly segmented filters to find the right prospects for every campaign.
Before even getting started on a project, one of the biggest tasks a real estate investor has on their plate is marketing their business to their lists of prospects. It may not seem like it, but this is a critical part of the sales process and can make or break your real estate investing business.
If you are a new investor, starting over in a new farm area, or expanding your business, developing prospect lists is critical in building your real estate investing business. The first step for most investors is starting with the easiest prospect lists to pull, known as general lists.
If you have been looking for new and creative ways to diversify your investment portfolio, you may have heard of real estate crowdfunding. This kind of investing is one of the latest ways investors get in on big projects and profits without leaving the comfort of their homes.
You’ve got your list of leads – now it’s time to get them on the phone. Cold calling has been a tool of real estate investors for decades and remains one of the best ways to move a deal forward. But what do you say when you get them on the phone?
If you are a real estate investor looking to drum up business through marketing campaigns, you are tasked with creating prospect lists that convert. One of the two kinds of prospect lists you are likely to create are called “niche lists.”
To build a substantial, scalable real estate investing business, you need a tight marketing strategy to bring in new leads continuously.